Olena Kravchenko

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Julia Puhovkina

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 32-37

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2023.2-04

The tax policy of any country is a significant component of the economic sphere, and Ukraine is no exception. The process of integration of the national economy into the global economy, optimization of the tax system, improvement of its elements and instruments is a priority for most politicians and economic experts. They analyze the positive and negative aspects of domestic and foreign experience in managing tax policy. Despite a significant amount of academic research and practical experience, improving the existing tax system remains a pressing issue that requires further systematic, objective and in-depth scientific study. This research aims to examine one of the most important components of tax policy - the personal income tax. For this purpose, we analyzed the share of revenues from this tax in the total tax revenues of the consolidated budget in Ukraine and their dynamics during 2018-2022. It was determined that among the direct tax revenues to the budget of Ukraine, the PIT is the leader, confirming its not only fiscal but also social importance in the country. Countries such as Germany, Denmark, and the United States were chosen as foreign experience. The analysis of foreign experience has shown an example of a progressive system of PIT collection to the budget.   The object of this research is the mechanism for regulating the process of collecting personal income tax. The subject of analysis is the legislative framework governing the taxation of personal income, in particular in the context of domestic and foreign practice. For a thorough consideration of this topic, the author used general scientific research methods which contributed to the systematization and generalization of legislative aspects of personal income taxation. The study analyzes foreign experience and compares it with the national approach. The author uses a dialectical approach with a systematic methodology to identify the problems and prospects of the mechanism for collecting personal income tax.
personal income tax, tax system, income, rate, budget, analysis, tax revenues.

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