Oleksich Zhanna

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine   

Ruhal Tetiana

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 7-16

Original language: English



In the context of ongoing depletion of global natural resource reserves, solving the problem of organizing proper control over their availability and efficient use becomes crucial. Control is also necessary to address important tasks related to the reproduction of used resources and restoration of land plots to their natural state. Such control should be carried out both by state and local authorities and by the economic entities engaged in extraction and processing of natural resources. The article highlights methods of control and analytical techniques in the field of extraction and processing of natural resources. The authors emphasize the importance of using economic-mathematical and logical methods, and distinguish between methods of factual and documentary control. They draw attention to the analytical interpretation of actions and events and discuss various approaches to analysis, such as SWOT and PEST, to take into account political, economic, social, and technological aspects of the external environment. The application of these methods can increase the efficiency of management processes in the extraction and processing of natural resources, contributing to the sustainable development of enterprises in this industry. The article also discusses PEST analysis for considering political, economic, social, and technological factors. Conducting PEST analysis allows for a deep understanding of the external environment in which the company operates by: identifying potential threats and opportunities; preparing for potential changes in the external environment, enabling the company to better prepare for them; developing strategies and making decisions aimed at maximizing opportunities and minimizing threats; identifying competitive advantages that can be used to attract customers or markets; monitoring the external environment and timely responding to changes.


control, analysis, extraction industry, natural resources, economic-mathematical methods, PEST analysis.

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