Liliia Khomenko
Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine
Sumy, Ukraine
Vladyslav Liubchak
Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine
Sumy, Ukraine
Pages: 7-14
Original language: Ukrainian
DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2023.2-01
The blood service is a strategically important branch of the state. The basis of safe blood supply is the popularization of regular (repeated) voluntary free blood donors, because they support the lowest risk of infection. In Ukraine, between 2012 and 2020, the number of donors decreased almost halved, during a war blood needs increased by 30–60%, and blood shortages increased even more. The purpose of the article is to determine and study the prospects for the development of blood service enterprises depending on the type of donation. In countries with a high level of collected blood, the share of regular donors is more than 80%, and paid and family donations are mostly absent. In Ukraine, on average, the share of repeat (regular) donors increased from 7% to 15% during 2012–2020 and remains very low comparing with almost European countries. It was established that there are close inverse relationships between the share of regular donors and the share of erythrocyte mass write-offs (-0.98), between the share of regular donors and the share of donor deferrals (-0.96), and between the share of regular donors and the share of shortages of preserved donor blood (–0.70). There is also a close direct relationship between the share of donor deferrals and the share of erythrocyte mass write-offs (0.94), as well as an average direct relationship between the share of donor deferrals and the share of shortages of preserved donor blood. In the Sumy region, the number of donors increased by 2.5 times, the share of regular donors tripled and reached 74% in 2020, and the number of donations per 1,000 population increased by 6.5 times and reached 61.7. In the Kharkiv region, the number of donors and the number of donations remained at approximately the same level, but the share of regular donors increased by 1.7 times and reached 33.3%. In both regions, during 2012–2020, the share of erythrocyte mass write-offs and shortages of preserved donor blood decreased to the level of less than 1%. The share of donor deferrals also tends to decrease. All this indicates an increase in blood safety. It is estimated that increasing the share of regular donors to 80% at the national level can lead to savings in the amount of UAH 86 million 76.4 thousand during the year. The authors justified the need to develop strategies for converting primary donors into permanent ones.
marketing strategy, blood service, analysis, safety, economic efficiency.
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