Anna Kholod
Sumy, Ukraine
Pages: 29-38
Original language: Ukrainian
DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2023.3-03
In the modern conditions of martial law, the strategic importance of the accelerated development of the production infrastructure, in particular the transport system, which plays a key role in the reliable transportation of material resources, is determined. Ensuring the high quality of transport services becomes a critical factor in the competitive struggle, contributing to the increase in production efficiency and the growth of enterprise revenues. Solving transport problems and managing processes in the transport sector are of great importance for increasing the overall efficiency of the country's economy, given that the development of the transport complex directly affects the level of economic development. The purpose of the article is to conduct a marketing analysis of transport services in Ukraine, to identify key factors and trends of this segment, as well as to search for promising directions for further development. The results of the analysis of world statistical data confirm the relevance of the researched topic. Ukraine, despite a small reduction in the volume of transportation, ranks 26th in the world in terms of the volume of passenger transportation. The author revealed the general dynamics of the Ukrainian automobile passenger transport sector and its position in the global context, which requires attention to the improvement of strategic decisions and pricing policy in this area in order to ensure sustainable development in conditions of active competition. The analysis of research in the field of transport services market confirms the high level of interest of the scientific community in the study of this issue, revealing more than 700 publications. The steady increase in the number of publications shows the global distribution of interest in different countries, and the visualization map of keyword clusters indicates the main thematic areas of research aimed at marketing analysis, consumer behavior, customer portrait, service and marketing tools. The author's marketing analysis confirms that Sharry's target audience highly values reliable, comfortable and affordable means of travel, responding positively to a wide range of routes and innovations that the company constantly implements. Based on the results of the marketing analysis, the author identified ways to improve the marketing activity of the service.
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