Serhii Solodovnikov
Sumy, Ukraine
Pages: 26-36
Original language: Ukrainian
DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2023.4-03
Analysis of the current situation. Higher education institutions in Ukraine are in a competitive environment, and in a constant struggle for the best students, researchers, grants, and other budgetary and extra-budgetary funding. After all, funding for higher education in Ukraine is much lower than in European countries. Currently, due to the war in the country, many Ukrainians have gained access to education in the European Union, so more and more HEIs are developing a scientific component as an alternative source of replacing the loss of applicants, including foreign ones, who were lost due to the war in the country. This approach of science to educational institutions is in line with the 4th UN Sustainable Development Goal, namely subparagraph 4.4 - to improve the quality of higher education and ensure its close connection with science, and to promote the formation of cities of education and science in the country. However, these processes necessitate competition that is limited by financial resources. In recent years, Ukrainian educational institutions have been working more and more actively to enter national and global rankings of higher education institutions, trying to improve their positions in the rankings and formulate an opinion about their success among applicants, partners, entrepreneurs, local authorities, etc. Stakeholder engagement and maintaining the quality of education and research are key to ensuring compliance with labor market needs and attracting investment. The reorientation towards a socially responsible university reflects global trends and contributes to the formation of a positive image among the main stakeholders of the HEI. Adapting to these trends allows HEIs to successfully position themselves in the market, attracting students, teachers, and investors. The war in Ukraine restricts the full development and formation of a positive image of higher education institutions and leads to an outflow of intellectual capital from the country. The results of the study show that in terms of the "Brain Drain" indicator, Ukraine ranks among the worst in the world with an index of 8.9 out of 10, with only Samoa and Jamaica being worse off. The dynamics of entering the world rankings of universities, the number of students graduating by year, both domestic and foreign, are studied. The necessity of creating and promoting a positive image of higher education institutions in the modern competitive market environment, the need to position universities in the international globalized environment is substantiated.
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