Larysa Hrytsenko
Sumy, Ukraine
Iryna Kozhushko
Sumy, Ukraine
Pages: 53-63
Original language: English
DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2023.4-06
The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in the development of banking marketing in the context of global digitalization of all spheres of social life. In order to assess the relevance of the analyzed question, the data on the number of requests for “bank marketing”, “digitalization”, “digital technologies” and “banking innovations” in the most popular Google search engine were studied. In addition to the significant interest of the public in the digitalization of banking marketing, a high scientific interest in this topic was also revealed among both domestic and foreign researchers. The influence of digitization processes, namely the growth of the level of Internet penetration on the banking system, which, among other things, was reflected in the change in the number of bank branches, was considered. A brief description of the digitalization and banking marketing categories is given, as well as the result of their interaction and the formation of the concept of digital banking marketing is described. The main digital tools of banking marketing are identified: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), content marketing, traffic management, email marketing, contextual advertising, gamification, mobile marketing, etc. A detailed description of the essence of the most popular digital methods of promoting products in the banking services market is provided, as well as the international experience of their successful implementation in banks of various sizes and organizational forms is investigated. The theoretical value of the conducted research lies in the expansion of scientific views on modern trends in the development of banking marketing in the context of digitalization. The practical value lies in the study of international experience in the use of digital banking marketing tools. We consider it appropriate to direct further research to the cost assessment of the effectiveness of the use of digital banking marketing tools.
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