Ethics policy
Journal Visnyk of Sumy State University. Economy series strives to ensure the highest standards of ethics. According to this, all parties to the publishing process – authors, journal editors, and reviewers – must act under established standards of ethical behavior and fulfill their responsibilities.
- Publications and authorship:
1.1. Articles must meet the requirements of the Journal Visnyk of Sumy State University. Economy series;
1.2. For publication in the journal, the following materials must be submitted: an article, an extended abstract in English, information about the author(s), and a scientific recommendation for authors who do not have a scientific degree;
1.3. All articles are reviewed independently and confidentially: reviewers receive encrypted articles, and the identity of the reviewer is not disclosed to the authors;
1.4. Manifestations of plagiarism and fraud in articles are not allowed;
1.5. Articles submitted for consideration must not be published in other publications.
- Obligations of the author:
2.1. For publication in the magazine "Bulletin of Sumy State University. "Economics" series, authors must submit materials designed under the requirements set forth by the journal's Editorial Board;
2.2. The authors are responsible for the views, opinions, results, and conclusions expressed in the articles;
2.3. The authors are responsible for the reliability of the information in the articles, the accuracy of titles, surnames, and quotations;
2.4. Authors' materials that contain offensive statements, manifestations of aggression or national, religious, racial, and other discrimination and may lead to inter-ethnic and racial enmity, violate international legal norms, and legislation will not be accepted for consideration;
2.5. Authors for publication in the journal must submit materials highlighting original research results according to the journal's subject matter;
2.6. Authors are responsible for detecting plagiarism in submitted materials; plagiarism in all its forms is considered unethical behavior and unacceptable;
2.7. Submission of articles by authors means automatic agreement to undergo the procedure of double secret review;
2.8. Authors for publication in the journal must submit articles that have not been published before and are not offered for publication in any other publications. The authors must provide references if using materials already published or submitted for publication in other publications in the article. Authors must also inform the editorial board of their articles already published in other journals, which are similar in subject matter to the materials submitted for consideration;
2.9. Authors are obliged to make corrections to the article under the reviewer's comments;
2.10. After accepting the article for publication in the magazine "Bulletin of the Sumy State University. "Economics" series, the author must sign a copyright transfer agreement.
- Responsibilities of reviewers:
3.1. Reviewers must evaluate all materials submitted for consideration under the specified criteria. Articles must be considered within no more than two months. Otherwise, the reviewers must inform the editorial office of the journal about the impossibility of reviewing;
3.2. Reviewers must conduct a constructive, comprehensive, thorough review of all materials, regardless of the racial, religious, national, gender, or institutional affiliation of the author(s);
3.3. Reviewers must review submitted materials independently, objectively, and confidentially; personal criticism of the author(s) is inadmissible;
3.4. Reviewers must have appropriate qualifications for reviewing articles;
3.5. Reviewers are obliged to immediately inform the editor about articles containing plagiarism or false data;
3.6. Reviewers are prohibited from using in their research any part of the materials under review that are unpublished. This is only acceptable with the permission of the author(s);
3.7. Reviewers must have no conflict of interest with the author(s) and/or editor(s).
- Duties of the editorial board:
4.1. Editors must send review results, comments, and recommendations to the author(s) by e-mail within three months; the journal editorial office must keep documentation containing the results of the review of materials submitted for consideration;
4.2. The editors are prohibited from using any part of the submitted materials for their research. This is only acceptable with the permission of the author(s).
4.3. Editors must ensure the confidentiality of the review process; editors should not disclose names and other data of authors and/or reviewers without their permission;
4.4. Editors are required to consider any complaints, questions, or suggestions from authors and/or reviewers;
4.5. Editors have the right to reject submitted articles if they do not correspond to the journal's theme;
4.6. The editors have the right to make the final decision regarding the publication of an article in the journal, taking into account its originality, novelty, and compliance with the journal's requirements;
4.7. Editors are prohibited from obliging authors to make references to materials already published in the journal.
- Publishing ethics issues:
5.1. The journal's ethics policy is aimed at combating plagiarism, unethical experiments, falsification of data, and conflict of interests;
5.2. The editorial board undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, feedback, and apologies when necessary;
5.3. All articles are evaluated according to such criteria as originality, relevance, innovation, the significance of the results in their field, theoretical basis and review of already conducted research and available publications, literacy, accuracy, relevance, readability, and writing style;
5.4. Based on the results of the review, one of the following decisions can be made: publish as is; publish with minor changes; send for re-review (if significant changes are necessary); refuse (if significant revision is required. But the author can resubmit revised material); refuse without permission to resubmit (if the material has fundamental flaws, contains plagiarism or does not correspond to the magazine's theme);
5.5. The editorial board assumes responsibility for solving issues related to violating ethical principles by any participant in the publishing process.