T. Vasilyeva

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine


S. Lyeonov

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine


N. Antoniuk

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine


O. Tverezovska

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine


Pages: 127-131

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2019.2-17


The article deals with the questions of formation of monitoring key indicators of enterprise financial and economic activity mechanism. Emphasized that the provision of adequate conditions for sustainable development and preservation of financial stability of domestic enterprises in today's economic realities require continuous monitoring of the main indicators of their activity, including the estimation of the financial condition of the company and its investment attractiveness. Analyzed one of the major domestic problems of the Ukrainian economy as the underfunding of the real sector of the economy is the result of the processes of financialization and globalization of world capital. It is proved that for today there is a necessity of formation of the mechanism of monitoring of key indicators of financial and economic activities of enterprises, the results of which can be applied for development of strategy of development of separate entity. The results of the analysis of the dynamics of direct investments into the economy of Sumy region showed a general decrease in volume and a minor volume of investments in the industry compared to other industries. The results of the study identified the key 2 indicator - investment attractiveness of the enterprise and the dynamics of added value and establishing acceptable for a specific enterprise corridor variations AV. Monitoring of such deviations in the dynamics will allow us to have adequate information to identify trends for future development of the enterprise. The article presents the method of calculation of added value based on the financial statements, which is one of the key indicators in predicting trends in the development of the enterprise.

monitoring, strategic development, financial and economic activity of the enterprise, investment attractiveness, value added, labor productivity, financial status, managerial decisions, forecasting of enterprise development.

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