
Halynska Iu.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Bondar T.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 90-101

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2019.3-12

More and more companies in the world are striving to implement clean production strategies and maximize resource productivity in their operations. In the process of applying an integrated, preventive environmental strategy in production to reduce risks for both humans and the environment, stakeholders face causal effects and socio-environmental and economic interdependence in the implementation of clean production projects. All this contributes to the development and growth of scientific, methodological and methodological approaches to the implementation of clean production projects. Studying world and domestic experience in introducing of clean production can determine the ways to comprehensively solve environmental and economic problems in Ukraine and provide the prerequisites for creating an effective system of using natural resources in solving environmental and economic problems of the world, including climate change. The implementation of scientific approaches is possible through the distribution of information on the principles of clean production, the development and implementation of a set of economic and environmental factors for the development of production, the improvement of the mechanism for integrating of environmental factors of the economic development strategy, viewing environmental pollution standards and the special use of natural resources, as well as standards for their economic regulation with the goal of a gradual approximation to EU standards, the creation of a system of sustainable management of production development, stimulates environmental protection and ensures the careful use of natural resources. Therefore, the article discovers the basic principles, methods and mechanisms for creating of clean production projects. The prerequisites for creating an environmental direction in the production of goods and services, as well as the need for risk assessment in the introduction of clean production, are considered.  Generalization of existing methods of introduction of clean production, taking into account the world experience, showed that despite the local prerequisites and financial and technological problems, it is profitable for enterprises to implement the concept of СР. The result is a synthesis of existing methods for introducing of clean production, taking into account international experience, which can reduce operating costs, can contribute to improving the safety of workers, as well as reducing the impact of business on the environment. It is obvious that clean production technologies are a good business for industry, as they help to reduce waste disposal costs, reduce the cost of raw materials, reduce the cost of damage to health, improve public relations, improve company productivity, and increase the competitiveness of local and international markets. Clean production is an integral part of the social process, which is in line with economic, political, ethical and cultural values.

clean production, sustainable development, environmental strategies, indicators of resource and energy intensity.

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