
Boiko O.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 102-109

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2019.3-13


The main prerequisites for the emergence of problems of the pension system functioning in Ukraine, namely the solidarity system, are considered in the article. The budget, expenditures and deficit of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the period 2010-2018 are analyzed. The amount of pensions was calculated taking into account the change in the dollar exchange rate and the inflation rate for the analyzed period and it was proved that the increase in the size of the pension does not lead to its actual growth. Emphasis is placed on the principle of calculation of pensions and attention is paid to the concept of a single social contribution, which has the minimum and maximum possible sum of payment. Based on the data, the author compared the size of the minimum (state) pensions in different countries of the world and in Ukraine and showed that the size of the pension is the lowest among the compared countries. An important aspect of the study was the comparison of average life expectancy. This suggests that the increase in life expectancy is causing the states of the world to raise the retirement age in order to delay the payment of state pensions. Alongside this the alternative to state pensions are private pensions. During the working period, every citizen has the right to make savings in different financial institutions as they have the right to invest. Funds that have been saved and multiplied are the main source of retirement income. Voluntary pension institutions are also envisaged in Ukraine. However, despite the legislative support and the general need to have their own retirement savings, citizens do not actively take the opportunity to create additional pensions. The reasons for this are lack of awareness of the population by the state about the essence of the pension reform, the general economic situation in the country, as well as the lack of financial literacy of the population itself, the unwillingness to take responsibility for their future and the low level of income. On the basis of these data, the need for active involvement of both public administration and citizens in the cumulative system is substantiated.

retirement age, pension fund, cumulative insurance, life insurance companies.

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