
Kryvych Ia.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Dranitsyna A.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 33-39

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2019.3-4


The purpose of the article is the development of the definition and concept of "banking innovations". The classification of banking innovations is proposed and includes product (development of new or modification of existing banking products), process (improvement of banking business processes), marketing (innovations in sales channels and marketing communications of banks), technological (related to the development of technical bank capabilities) and management (changes in the organizational structure of banks, mechanisms of planning, control, incentives, etc.). The research proves the concept of "banking innovations" can be applied to all innovations in bank functioning.

This paper distinguishes definition between finance and banking innovations. Finance innovations are related to the creation and dissemination of new financial instruments as well as financial technologies, institutions and markets. The concept of "banking innovation" should be understood as a process with focus on developing new or improving existing banking products (services), technology of their promotion, as well as new innovative methods of managing banking institutions in order to obtain additional income and competitive advantages.

The chronology of the most important banking technologies development is analyzed in this article. Correlations between the innovative activity of banks, technological and scientific achievements of humankind are found.Key trends of development of the banking services market (contactless payment, biometric identification, digital wallets and QR codes, Internet of Things, cryptocurrency, fintech movement) are identified and characterized. The paper is emphasizes the connection between banks' innovation activities, the formation of customer loyalty and the increasing of trust to banks.

banking innovation, financial innovation, trust, loyalty.

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