
Tielietov O.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Lazorenko V.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 66-73

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2019.3-9


The article proposes innovative methods of development of educational process in higher education institutions (ZVO) of Ukraine. The educational services market has an unstable situation. ZVO needs to be viewed from the perspective of adapting to the changing situation in the educational services market. The example of the university examines the essence of innovative development of ZVO, foreign experience and scientific approach to evaluating the innovation potential of a similar institution. The main factors of external and internal influence on innovative development and innovative potential of the university and stages of its development are determined.

It has been shown that innovation is based on increasing the interest of students and teachers in obtaining and selecting new ideas, their relevance to modern scientific and technological progress, financial support and creating an overall favorable environment for innovation implementation. Various innovative methods of pedagogy have always been successfully used in the educational process, the basis of which is the interactivity and maximum closeness to the real professional activity of the future specialist. Attempts by individual teachers to diversify the learning process should be widely supported by students. The importance of maintaining the university's innovation potential has been proven, as the amount of research conducted on the university's base and publications made on its behalf contributes to a better investment climate for employers by employers. Thanks to quality education, the University can benefit not only for its own success, but also to raise the city's rating, to further attract students, tourists and businessmen.

The experience of recent years shows that it is much more difficult to implement a certain idea in Ukrainian educational institutions than in Europe or the USA, for example, so in domestic defense institutions they often rely on foreign experience rather than support new ideas from their own participants in the educational process.

institution of higher education, ZVO, innovative development, innovative potential, innovative teaching methods.

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