S. Pokhylko

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

A. Eremenko

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 130-139

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2020.3-14


The article is devoted to the research into social networks usage for doing business. Due to the fact that the life of modern people is filled to the brim with social media and almost everyone owns a social media profile, a large number of entrepreneurs responded immediately by creating business accounts in the places with the capacity potential audience. The amount of social networkers is growing and, as a result, the volume of online purchases will also grow accordingly. The article discusses in detail many popular social media, the potentialities of working there. It is specific about the relationship between a client and a company selling goods/services. The research analyzes the adoption of social networks in marketing activities and suggests the algorithm for a such purpose. The advantages and disadvantages of a company's presence in social networks are compared in the papers. Preliminary results suggest that there is positive effect on business evolution using social networking. Moreover, the upper hand of developing and doing business in the nets are considered to be the growth in sales of goods/services and a significant increase in traffic, in addition customers can easily recognize a brand through a logo, advertising, video. The seller has the opportunity to work from any area in the world without a definite reference to a place. Start-up costs for business projects in networks are minimal compared to other types of business projects. The excellent chance to promote work partnership through networks, the possibility of saving on advertising and attracting a broad clientele is traced in the papers. There has been a steep rise in customers' trust due to pages open access in social networks. In the conducted research the main stages of carrying on a business in social media were defined. It is suggested that an effective marketing strategy while promoting goods/services in networks will provide considerable benefits to a trade project. A rapid acceleration in business income from social media has a massive impact on the domestic economic growth and contributes to its advancement in general.

social media, e-commerce, digital economy, Social Media Marketing, SMM-promotion

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