
Shkolnyk I.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Kryvozub V.

Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine

Pages: 49-55

Original language: Ukrainian

DOI: 10.21272/1817-9215.2019.4-6


Agricultural sector is the one of the main domestic economy sectors, that providing the much of the net profit and currency income to the country, agricultural sector employs more then 10% of country population. One of the general factors of the agricultural development efficiency is financial security, that might to promote increase of efficiency, but in the other side this can to slow development of enterprises and reduce factory profitability. In turn financial security of agricultural sector is quite complex complicated and variegated and needs of the further research.

Financial security is an economic category can be considered like a complex of the methods, origins and objects as a financial instrument. Sufficient financial security of agricultural sectors enterprises forming problem based on high level risk in production process. Agricultural companies have possibility to use a wide range of methods, such as self-financing, budget international and market ministry. Based on research we systematized basic form of financial security, that are used by agriculture companies in their activity. There are: self-financing, inclusive financing, traditional (classic) financing, leasing and factoring, insurance, loan guarantee, forward contracts. In Ukraine we have situation, when agriculture companies don’t receive proper financial support by country. The programs that have been started, are unstable, but the positive point is that amount of financial resources, that are granted to agricultural sector, have been increased, that showing country interest in agricultural sector forming and developing. What about banking lending, so it isn’t just expensive, in main situations companies cannot get credit because there are have a weak credit history or have a low credit rating. One of the instruments, which is becoming more popular is the agrarian receipts. There are divided to two parts: financial and commodity. The amount of financial resources, that are attracted by agrarian receipts, are increasing for several years and have significant benefits for using by agriculture companies.

financial instruments, lending, budget financing, government support, leasing.

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